54 Operation
LAN Interface Shutdown
This alarm indicates the LAN is being
shut down for a programmed action
due to the activation of one or more
This should activate the automatic
shutdown sequence programmed
into your LAN operating system.
Load on Manual Bypass The Maintenance Bypass switch is in
the Maintenance position.
When the maintenance activity has
been completed, return the unit to
normal operation.
Logic Error Automatic diagnostic testing has
detected a failure (of hardware or
software) in the UPS internal control
system. A second message may
indicate internal test or software
time-out. The load has been
automatically transferred to bypass.
Record the alarm condition and
contact Liebert Global Services.
Low Battery Shutdown Battery has discharged to the
minimum allowable voltage. If the
bypass is available the unit will
transfer to bypass. If the bypass is
not available, the UPS is shut down.
No power is being supplied to the
critical load.
When the battery has recharged and
if there is not fault, the unit will
retransfer from bypass. If bypass
was not available, when input power
becomes available, perform a UPS
start-up procedure. Unit will start-up
by itself if auto-restart is enabled.
Low Battery Warning Issued The battery voltage measurement
has reached the user-programmed
warning value. The unit will shut
down at the specified time if input
power is not restored.
User should take appropriate
measures to insure an orderly
shutdown of the system. If the user
has set the warning level above 2
minutes, you may also take action to
shed load and increase battery time
to complete discharge.
Manual Off Activated
(Alarm History Only)
The UPS has been shut down
remotely through the RS-232
interface or through the advanced
configuration menu.
To restart the UPS follow the
procedures in 3.0 - Operation.
Manual On Activated
(Alarm History Only)
The UPS has been turned on
remotely through the RS-232
interface or through the advanced
configuration menu.
This is an information alarm only.
Make sure it is OK that the UPS is
Manual Transfer-to-Bypass
(Alarm History only)
The UPS has been transferred to
bypass remotely through the RS-232
interface or through the advanced
configuration menu. The UPS stays
on Bypass until the retransfer is
activated and all required conditions
for retransfer are satisfied.
Determine why the UPS was
transferred to bypass. Clear the fault
or problem and retransfer to normal
operation. If the problem cannot be
corrected, contact Liebert Global
Memory Failure ROM or
Memory Failure RAM
The microprocessor has failed a self
diagnostic test during the start-up
process. Start up will not be allowed.
Contact Liebert Global Services.
Neutral SCR Short On units equipped with the isolated
neutral option, the SCR that transfers
the neutral has failed short.
Contact Liebert Global Services.
Non Volatile Ram U88
Non Volatile ram has a long life
(10 year) back up battery, either the
battery is near end or life or the
memory has been corrupted.
Contact Liebert Global Services.
Non Volatile Ram U88 Failed Non Volatile ram back up battery has
reached end of life or the Main
control board memory has had a
Contact Liebert Global Services.
Table 5 Alarm Messages (continued)
Alarm Message Meaning Corrective Action