
Rev. (08-JULY-98) © 1996-98 Liebert Corporation18
Modem Control Parameters
Modem Reset: This is a user definable parameter that sends a reset string to the modem.
Dial Prefix: This parameter sets the dial prefix used for dialing out alarms.
Phone Number: This parameter sets the number to be dialed out for alarms.
Use This Number? NO: If "YES", the phone number above will be used for dialing out to deliver alarms.
If "NO", the phone number on the workstation will be used for dialing out to deliver alarms. The phone
number that is currently selected will appear on the status page.
If not connected, and with no alarms pending delivery, reset modem every 5:00 (mm:ss): This
parameter sets how often the SiteGate-232 will send the modem reset string.
If connected, but no activity has been detected for 20:00 (mm:ss), hang up and reset modem: This
parameter sets the amount of time before the modem hangs up when there has been no data flow
between the SiteGate-232 and the Workstation. It also sends the modem reset string after it hangs up.
After dialing, wait 2:00 (mm:ss) for connection before hanging up: This parameter sets how long the
SiteGate-232 will wait for a carrier detect before it hangs up the modem.
After unsuccessful alarm delivery: This parameter sets how long the SiteGate-232 will wait before
dialing back alarms after an unsuccessful alarms delivery.
Escape (+++) guard time: This parameter determines the time delay before and after the escape
sequence to allow the modem to receive and acknowledge it.
Post hangup delay: This parameter determines how long the SiteGate-232 waits after sending the
modem hangup command.
Reset time (DTR Low): This parameter determines how long the SiteGate-232 holds the DTR line low
for disconnecting the modem.
Post DTR high delay: This parameter determines how long the SiteGate-232 waits after returning DTR
to its active (high) state after a modem reset.
Post reset string delay: This parameter determines how long the SiteGate-232 waits after sending the
reset string to the modem.
Enable daylight saving time changeover from SiteGate-232
When set to "YES", the SiteGate-232 will make daylight saving time adjustments to its own clock and
the clock of all modules on its CMnet. Do not enable this if you have an XFG, XFR, XFT, or XFZ
Function Block on this CMnet.