36 Operation
4.8 Helios Monitor 3000/48 (Optional)
The Helios Monitor 3000/48 is a microprocessor-based unit used to monitor and record power sys-
tems operational data. The recorded data is accessible locally by means of the front panel or the
RS-232 port, or remotely through the modem link.
If an Helios Monitor 3000/48 was supplied with your system, refer to the Monitor 3000 user man-
ual, SL-60015, for detailed operational characteristics.
4.9 600 A and 1200 Battery Disconnect Units (Optional)
The 600 A and 1200 A Battery Disconnect Units (BDU) are equipped with a circuit breaker that
provides for automatic or manual disconnect, but only manual reconnect. The automatic discon-
nect is intended to serve the low voltage disconnect function to prevent batteries from deep dis-
charge that could damage them. The circuit breaker has industrial grade contacts to connect and
disconnect large currents, and it is provided with a relay trip feature.
If battery disconnect unit(s) were supplied with your system, refer to the user manual, SL-60040,
for the detailed operational characteristics of the battery disconnect unit.