28 Operation
4.0 O
4.1 General
This chapter describes the control, adjustment and operational features of the Helios DC System
4.2 Conventional Controller
The Conventional Controller monitors the operation of the entire power plant. It monitors all the
alarms, and it controls and monitors the rectifiers.
Provision is made on the back of the Conventional Controller to extend any occurring alarm to the
alarm center through the facilities provided in the powered equipment.
All of the control switches, potentiometers, operational and alarm visual indications are located at
the front of the Conventional Controller.
4.2.1 Front Panel
The front panel of the Conventional Controller is provided with the control, alarm and operational
features shown in
Figure 26
and described in the following subsections.
Figure 26 Front view of the Conventional Controller
Visual indicators
A 4.5 digit red LED readout to display the system current and voltage, and 18 LEDs to display the
alarm conditions as described in
Table 32.
All alarm conditions are also displayed by a red incan-
descent cabinet alarm lamp.
Table 32 Visual indicators
Designation Description Color
RECT FAN Rectifier Fan Failure yellow
EQL Equalize On yellow
FA Fuse Failure Alarm (Internal to the Controller) red
DFA Discharge Fuse Alarm red
CFA (not used) Charge Fuse Alarm red
RFA MIN Rectifier Failure Alarm Minor yellow
RFA MAJ Rectifier Failure Alarm Major red
ACO Alarm cut-off red
HVSD High Voltage Shutdown Alarm red
HV High Voltage Alarm red
LV Low Voltage Alarm red
HF High Float Alarm yellow
LF Low Float Alarm yellow
LVD Low Voltage Disconnect red
BOD Battery On Discharge red
LOP Loss of Phase red
AUX 1 (BDA) Auxiliary Major red
AUX 2 Auxiliary Minor yellow