5.5.11 Add or Delete a Circuit Breaker
After moving or removing circuit breakers in the panelboard, use the Configuration tool to add or
delete in the configuration.
Run the configuration program using the steps outlined in 5.5.1 - Starting the Configuration Pro-
gram. Once connected, the configuration file that is currently programmed will be displayed.
5.5.12 Adding a Circuit Breaker
To add a 1-, 2- or 3-pole circuit breaker:
• Run the Configuration program (see 5.5.1 - Starting the Configuration Program).
• If needed, select the panel and breaker view with the new breaker:
• In the Select Panel box, click on Panel A or Panel B.
• In the Select View box, choose Panel Breakers if the new breaker is installed inside the pan-
elboard or Auxiliary Breakers if located outside the panelboard.
• Right-click on the new breaker position in the left pane. The selected breaker has a yellow outline.
• In the pop-up menu, click on Add Breaker, then on the type of breaker that was installed: One-
Pole, Two-Pole or Three-Pole.
• In the Breaker Properties at right, change the breaker’s name, parameters and alarm setpoints as
needed (see 5.5.10 - Edit the Breaker Properties).
• When finished, click Install to Unit to upload the changes to the Liebert LDM.
Check to make sure the location for the new breaker does NOT have a breaker assigned. If it
does, first remove that breaker (see 5.5.14 - Delete a Breaker), then return to this procedure.
An error message appears if you attempt to add a breaker to an assigned position.
• If NOT assigned, a breaker position is shown with a Liebert logo.
• An assigned breaker position appears as a picture of a circuit breaker.
The configuration changes will not be stored in the Liebert LDM until the Install to Unit
button is clicked.