Welcome to the User Manual for the OpenComms Web Card. This man-
ual is available from Liebert's web site at www.liebert.com. The most
recent version is always located online and you should consult the Web if
you feel you have an older copy.
On the next two pages you will find a copy of the Quick Start Guide. The
Quick Start Guide ships in the box with the OpenComms Web Card and
provides the most important information you need to install and configure
of the card. It is included in this manual for your reference.
The OpenComms Web Card delivers SNMP (Simple Network Manage-
ment Protocol) and Web support to the UPS in which it is installed. The
card is designed for use in a Liebert UPS with an Intellislot bay. This
include the PowerSure Interactive, UPStation GXT, UPStation GXT2U,
and Nfinity.
The OpenComms Web Card requires an Ethernet network connection
and supports both 10Mbit and 100Mbit communication speeds and either
half or full duplex.
The OpenComms Web Card enables in-band communication via the Web
from computers running web browser software.
The OpenComms Web Card enables in-band communication with net-
work management systems (NMS) via SNMP.
The OpenComms Web Card integrates with Liebert's MultiLinkā¢ soft-
ware to provide notification for unattended, graceful operating system
shutdown of PCs, servers, and workstations. MultiLink is available for
most operating systems. For more information on MultiLink and a down-
loadable version of MultiLink software please visit www.liebert.com.