Liebert IntelliSlot
OC-485 Card
Quick Start Guide
• Locate the Intellislot option bay for your Liebert equipment. You might
need to remove a plastic cover.
• Insert the Liebert IntelliSlot OC-485 Card into the Intellislot bay.
• Secure the card with the supplied screws.
• Connect RS-485 cable.
IGM: The card ships with IGM service enabled. (No configuration is
required for IGM communications.)
Modbus: To assign a server ID address, use the Service Terminal to con-
figure the card. Proceed to Steps 2 & 3.
• Locate the blue serial configuration cable (null modem) that shipped
with the card.
• Connect the configuration cable to the DB-9 port on the card and to a
COM port on your PC.
• Use terminal emulation soft-
ware, such as HyperTerminal™,
to open a direct connection to
the card.
•Press ENTER for the Main
Menu, above right.
• Select option 1 and press Enter
to access the communications
settings, shown at right.
• Enter 1 and press enter to
enable the Modbus application.
• At the next screen, enter 3 to
access the screen to set the
server ID for the Liebert
IntelliSlot OC-485 Card (the ID
default is 1, but may be any
number up to 255). In the
example at right, the server ID
is “2.”
•Press Esc to return to the main
• Enter X and press Enter to exit
HyperTerminal, save your
changes and reboot the card.
Baud Rate: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
When installing the card in a Liebert NX
, configure the
communication port of the Liebert NX to 2400 baud. Refer to the
Liebert NX user manual for instructions.