66 Operation
3.1.12 Battery Equ alize Screen
Go to the Master Menu and move the highlighted cursor to BATTERY EQUALIZE. Press the Select pad an d
the Battery Equalize screen is dis played.
The Battery Equalize screen enables the operator to adjust the battery equalize time. It is also used to choose
between auto and manual battery equalize recharging modes. Note that AUTO MODE can be selected only from
the System Control Cabinet (SCC). Selections made at the SCC override previous selections made at the UPS
When the input utility power is interrupted, the battery supplies DC power to the UPS module inverters so there
is no interruption of power to the critical load. When the AC input power is restored, the battery equalize
recharging circuit can be activated automatically or manually to increase the module rectifier/charger output
voltage to recharge the battery. The battery equalize circuit may also be manually activated at any time during
normal float (constant) voltage operation. The equalizing time can be adjusted from 0 to 72 hours.
Figure 45 Batt ery Equalize Screen
EQUALIZE TIME PERIOD. This selection permits the operator to adjust the battery equalize time in one hour
increments from 0 to 72. The battery equalize time must be greater than zero for the battery to begin recharging
in both the AUTO and the MANUAL modes. This period is set by use of the Up/Down pads and Select pad.
When the battery is at full voltage (not being recharged), this selection reads EQUALIZE TIME PERIOD
(hrs). When the battery is recharging, this selection reads EQUALIZE TIME REMAINING (hrs). After the
equalize recharge time has expired, the indication returns to the preset equalize time.
STOP EQUALIZE CHARGE. This selection lets the operator halt the equalizing charge to the battery at any
time, whether the circuit was activated automatically or manually.
MANUAL MODE. This mode enables the operator to manually initiate a battery equalize charge to raise the DC
bus voltage to correct a non-uniformity in the individual cell voltages or specific gravity readings.
AUTO MODE (SCC only). When the battery recharge control logic is in the AUTO MODE, the UPS module
battery chargers attempt the equalization process only if the EQUALIZE TIME PERIOD is greater than zero,
the battery voltage has been at or below the Battery Discharging alarm limit for longer than 30 seconds, and the
battery breakers (MBD) are closed.
Do not use the Battery Equalize mode if you have valve-regulated, sealed-cell
(maintenance-free) batteries. Refer to your battery manufacturer’s manual.
EQUALIZETIMEPERIOD(hrs.) ...........
STOPEQUALIZECHARGE ...................
MANUALMODE .....................................
AUTOMODE ..........................................
UP :