Alarm Descriptions and Solutions
• SHORT CYCLE C1A – Activated when compressor 1A turns On, Off, then back On, 5 times
within 10 minutes, or 10 times within 1 hour.
• SHORT CYCLE C1B – Activated when compressor 1B turns On, Off, then back On, 5 times
within 10 minutes, or 10 times within 1 hour.
• SHORT CYCLE C2A – Activated when compressor 2A turns On, Off, then back On, 5 times
within 10 minutes, or 10 times within 1 hour.
• SHORT CYCLE C2B – Activated when compressor 2B turns On, Off, then back On, 5 times
within 10 minutes, or 10 times within 1 hour.
• HIGH REFRIGERANT TEMP 1 – Activated when the refrigerant temperature sensed from
refrigerant temperature sensor 1, exceeds the user specified setpoint. See 5.3.2 - SETPOINTS.
Alarm will reset itself when the refrigerant temperature drops below the setpoint.
• LOW REFRIGERANT TEMP 1 – Activated when the refrigerant temperature sensed from
refrigerant temperature sensor 1, drops 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit below the refrigerant tempera-
ture control point. Alarm will reset itself if the refrigerant temperature raises back up before the
control shuts down because of low refrigerant temperature.
• FAILED REFRIGERANT SENSOR 1 – Activated when the control stops receiving a signal
from the refrigerant temperature sensor 1. If this alarm becomes active, the control will slowly
back down cooling over a 9-minute period. This alarm will shut down the Liebert XDC, main
power (disconnect switch) must be turned OFF then back ON to clear this alarm.
• HIGH CHILLED WATER TEMP – not currently used.
• LOW CHILLED WATER TEMP – not currently used.
• FAILED CHILLED WATER SENSOR – not currently used.
• VALVE FAILURE – not currently used.
• LOSS OF POWER – Activated when the unit is ON and operational, and 24VAC power to the
control is lost to the control. This alarm will be emitted when power is restored to the control
(unit). Unit will restart at a user defined time delay after power is restored. See 5.3.8 - SETUP
OPERATION. Alarm will reset itself after 30 seconds of run time.
6.2 Red and Green Lamp Indicators
Liebert’s XDC has two lamps that indicate the unit’s operating condition, one green, one red.
The green lamp lights only when the Liebert XDC is ON and running with no alarms.
The red lamp lights in two instances:
1. If the unit is on and running with an active alarm
2. If the unit is shut down because of an alarm.
The red lamp will flash when an alarm is being annunciated. The red lamp will stop flashing and the
beeper in the display will stop beeping when the ALARM SILENCE / ? key is pressed.
Alarms MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED before they can be RESET. To acknowledge / silence
alarms press the Alarm Silence / ? key.