Sales and Product Information
Corporate Headquarters
10601 West Belmont Avenue
Franklin Park, Illinois60131 U.S.A.
(800) 735 -3867 Toll-free (within the U.S. and Canada)
(708) 451-0036
Fax: (708) 288-3703
Customer Service, Assistance on Installation,
Operation, Warranty, Parts and Repairs:
Customer Service & Support
10601 West Belmont Avenue
Franklin Park, Illinois60131 U.S.A.
(800) 351-3737 Toll-free (within the U.S, and Canada)
(708) 451-0036
Fax: (708) 288-3702
The Lifestride 5500 trainer, designed exclusively for home use,
provides you with an effective workout that is both motivating and
time-efficient. The user-friendly console provides a host of visual
feedback, acting as a coach and trainer with easy-to-follow instructions
and helpful message displays throughout the workout.
It's Intelligent: Choose from the five standard Life Fitness workout
programs, or the new Heart Rate program. This optional heart rate
training system provides you the most accurate heart rate readings
available and maintains your heart rate by automatically varying incline
in response to your current heart rate. By exercising at a level within
your Training Heart Rate Range, you willgain the fullbenefits of aerobic
Life Fitness Europe GmbH
Siemenstrasse 3
85716 Unterschleissheim
Munich, Germany
Telefon: 49/89/3106078
Fax: 49/89/3107369
Telex: 5215918 LSG
In the past, people with special health conditions have been advised by
medical specialists to maintain a specified level of watts or calories per
hour during their workouts as an indirect means of regulating their heart
rate. With the Lifestride trainer, these types of exercise prescriptions are
unnecessary, since you can directly monitor your heart rate regardless
of the program you use. Also, with the Heart Rate program, you can
work out at a prescribed heart rate profile automatically.
It's Motivating: An easy-to-read, message display provides motivating
feedback of your workout so you'll always know how you're doing. Your
heart rate, elapsed time, calories burned per hour, total calories burned,
actual walking or running speed, distance traveled, and terrain are
continually displayed.
It's Easy: The user-friendly, modern computer console guides you
through every step of your program.
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