electronics overview
Display Functions
Console Operations
1. Start/Stop Button – Pressing the Start/Stop Button without pressing any other buttons will
start the vibration plate at level 1 and will count up from 0 to 540 seconds. This is an easy
quickstart method for using the Vibration Plate.
2. Setting the Time – There are several ways to set the time. Depending on the duration of the
workout you can simply press one of the quick time buttons each representing the workout
time in seconds or you can press the up or down buttons which will scroll thru from 0 to 540
seconds. When you get to the desired time simply press the Start/Stop button.
3. Setting the level – Once the Start/Stop button has been pressed the unit will count down from
3 and start moving. At this point you can adjust the level (speed or frequency) by using the up
or down buttons. 1 is the lowest level and 20 is the highest level.
4. Pausing the Workout – If you need to Pause the unit in the middle of an exercise, press the
Start/Stop button. The console will save the time and level of workout you were at and when
Start /Stop is pressed again the unit will start at the same level as when it was stopped with
any remaining time.
5. C
onsole Reset – Press and hold the Start/Stop button for several seconds and the console will reset.
6. Safety Key – The console safety key needs to be in place in order for any adjustments to be
made or for the unit to run.