e LES 780iR Infrared Classroom
Amplification System includes the LES
780iR receiver/amplifier, LT-70 Light Mic™
microphone/transmitter, SR-70 infrared
sensor and speaker package. is system
allows teachers to speak at a normal conver
sational level while being heard clearly by
every student in the classroom.
e LES 780iR is a two-channel receiver/
amplifier that allows the use of two micro
phones and up to four audio input sources.
In addition, up to six speakers can be con
nected to the LES 780iR, ensuring that no
matter the size or shape of the room, every
child hears every word—every time.
e LT-70 LightMic is a wireless, pendent-
style microphone/transmitter. is two-
channel, rechargeable microphone
is clipped to a lavaliere cord and worn
around the neck or held like a
standard microphone.