End auxiliary unit with cables
Note that there are no keyboard/mouse lines connected between cascaded units.
Keyboard and mouse signals are transported over the serial cables attached to the
CONTROL ports.
Once all units are attached in the cascade, turn on power to the users' monitors, and
then power up the master unit. Once the master unit has completed its power-on
diagnostic, power up the auxiliary units in succession down the cascade. After the
auxiliary units have each completed their power-on diagnostics, press ConControltrol and
Alt GraphAlt Graph simultaneously on one of the user keyboards to display the ServerSwitch
8200 on-screen menu. Scroll down the port numbers on the menu; ports for auxiliary
units are displayed by selecting Next unitNext unit from the bottom of the on-screen menu.
All ports for the master and auxiliary units should be present. If all ports after a
particular auxiliary unit are missing, check the CONTROL port connections between that
unit and the unit immediately downstream. If this fails to restore those downstream
ports, then try changing the cascade position of the last unit that works. If this fails also,
and no ports downstream from that unit are present, then contact Lightwave
Communications for technical support.
If all ports are present, turn off power to all ServerSwitch 8200 units and the user
monitors. Begin connecting the servers to the units as outlined in section 2.3,
Connecting SunĀ® Servers. Start at SWITCHED INPUT port 1 on the master unit, and
proceed sequentially from there (i.e., fill ports 1 through 8 on the master, then 1 through
8 on the first auxiliary, etc.). Once all servers have been connected, the ServerSwitch
8200 cascade is ready for use. Input ports may be named as outlined in section 3.4,
Naming CPU Ports.
If installing more CPUs to an existing ServerSwitch 8200 cascade, it is not necessary to
power down the switch. The server that will be attached should be not be powered until
the keyboard/mouse and video cables are connected to the ServerSwitch 8200.
If adding another ServerSwitch 8200 to an existing cascade, it is not necessary to
power down the cascaded units or any of the servers attached to the existing cascade.