Troubleshooting Guide
04_06 LDX-3232 99
Troubleshooting Guide
This section is a guide to troubleshooting the LDX-3232 Current Sources. Some
of the more common symptoms are listed here, and the appropriate
troubleshooting actions are given. We recommend that the user start at the
beginning of this guide. Read the symptom descriptions, and follow the steps for
the corrective actions that apply. If you encounter problems that are beyond the
scope of this guide, contact your ILX Lightwave customer service representative.
Symptom Corrective Actions
LDX-3232 unit will not power up Check AC power line voltage and power cord connection.
Power on, but display is frozen
and switches don’t operate
This may occur if the instrument loses power (AC line) briefly.
turn the power switch off and on again to restart.
Displays E514 on power up on
Hold (GPIB) LOCAL button, RANGE button and FINE button as
you are powering up the instrument. This clears the laser board
EEPROM, LLLLL will be displayed on the display; the laser
current source must be recalibrated.
Instrument resets at power up or
any LASER mode change
Hold (GPIB) LOCAL button, RANGE button and FINE button as
you are powering up the instrument. This clears the laser board
EEPROM, LLLLL will be displayed on the display; the laser
current source must be recalibrated.
Power on, but no current output Check interlock pins on LASER input connector on instrument
rear panel; these pins must be shorted either directly or though
a switch.
If OPEN CIRCUIT indicator is lit, check the load connections
and then try again.
Check the OUTPUT ON switch, the corresponding LED should
be lit.
Output current at limit; can’t be
If POWER mode is used, check the monitor diode (feedback)
connections; try reversing the polarity of the monitor
photodiode; also check the photodiode bias adjustment on the
rear panel.
If in I or I
mode, check the current setpoint and I LIMIT
setting; setting the output below the limit may require several
turns of the adjust know if the setpoint is much greater than the
desired limit setting.
Output goes off intermittently Check the interlock circuit; an intermittent interlock will turn the
output off.
Check that the AC power cord connection is secure; power line
drop-outs may reset the unit and when power is restored, the
output will be off.