3. Fold vinyl edges towards center,
making sure that the edges clear
the end cap slots. Use tape or
rubber band to hold the vinyl on
the left side of the roller tube.
4. While holding the vinyl and
roller tube, push in the right end
cap (marked RH) about 6.4 mm
(1/4 inch) to disengage the clutch.
Hold end cap in while turning
roller tube towards you 14 times.
5. Let go of the right end cap. The
clutch should now engage and stop
the shade from losing its spring
6. Unfold the vinyl and place it
into the end cap slots.
7. Insert the shade into the side
mounting brackets (the opening
for the right mounting bracket is
narrower than the left). Check to
see if the shade operates properly.
Spare tire and jack
Your vehicle is equipped with a
full-size spare tire located behind
the rear bumper. For instructions
on how remove and mount the
spare tire, refer to the Roadside
emergencies section later in this
Owner’s Guide.
Controls and features