Your vehicle has a factory-set 5–digit code that operates the keyless
entry system. You can also program your own 5–digit personal entry
The factory-set code is located:
• on the owner’s wallet card in the glove compartment
• taped to the computer module
• in the interior of the trunk
When pressing the controls on the keyless entry keypad, press the
middle of the controls to ensure a good activation.
Programming your own entry code
1. Enter the factory-set code (keypad will illuminate when pressed).
2. Press the 1/2 control within five
seconds of step 1.
3. Enter your personal 5–digit code.
Enter each digit within five seconds
of the previous one.
4. Enter a sixth digit to indicate
which personality feature should be
recalled by the personal code.
• 1/2 recalls personality 1
• 3/4 recalls personality 2
• 9/0 does not recall a personality
All of the vehicle doors will lock and unlock to confirm programing of the
new code. Each personality driver profile (personality 1 or personality 2)
can associated with only one personal code. The factory-set code cannot
be associated with a personality code.
Do not set a code that includes five of the same number or presents
them in sequential order. Thieves can easily figure out these types of
You can program up to three personal codes to unlock your vehicle.
These codes do not replace the permanent code that the dealership gave
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Controls and features