For any electrodes the procedures should be kept
within the rating of the machine. For electrode infor-
mation see the appropriate Lincoln publication.
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Connect welding cables to the "TO WORK” and
"ELECTRODE” studs. Start the engine. Set the
"Polarity” switch to the desired polarity. The “RANGE”
switch markings indicate the maximum current for that
range as well as the typical electrode size for that
range. The “OUTPUT” Control provides fine adjust-
ment of the welding current within the select range.
For maximum output within a selected range set the
“OUTPUT” Control at 10. For minimum output within a
selected range set the “OUTPUT” Control at 5. (“OUT-
PUT” Control settings below 5 may reduce arc stabili-
ty) For best overall welding performance set the
“RANGE” Switch to the lowest setting and the OUT-
PUT” Control near the maximum to achieve the
desired welding current.
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The Ranger® 250 GXT can be used with a broad
range of AC and DC stick electrodes. See “Welding
Tips 1” included with the Ranger® 250 GXT for elec-
trodes within the rating of this unit and recommended
welding currents of each.
The Ranger® 250 GXT can be used in a wide variety of AC and
DC Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding applications for AC TIG
Welding up to 200 amps and DC TIG welding up to 250 amps.
The K930 [ ] TIG Module installed on a Ranger® 250 GXT pro-
vides high frequency and shielding gas control for AC and DC
GTAW (TIG) welding processes. The TIG Module allows full
range output control.
When using the Ranger® 250 GXT for AC TIG welding of alu-
minum the following settings and electrodes are recommended:
For AC TIG Welding, the maximum TIG Welding out-
put currents on each range setting will be approxi-
mately 50% higher than those marked on the name-
plate. This is due to the special nature of the AC TIG
welding arc. Do not AC TIG weld on the 250 Amp set-
ting. The output may exceed the rating of the
Ranger® 250 GXT.
The Innershield
electrode recommended for use with
the Ranger® 250 GXT is NR
-211-MP. The electrode
sizes and welding ranges that can be used with the
Ranger® 250 GXT are shown in the following table:
The Ranger® 250 GXT is recommended for limited
“MIG” welding (GMAW - gas metal arc welding). The
recommended electrodes are .030” and .035” L-50
and L-56. They must be used with a blended shield-
ing gas such as C25 (75% Argon - 25% CO
). The
welding ranges that can be used with the Ranger®
250 GXT are shown in the following table:
The Ranger® 250 GXT can be used for limited arc
Set the Range switch to adjust output current to the
desired level for the gouging electrode being used
according to the ratings in the following table:
Diameter Wire Speed Approximate
(in.) Range In./Min. Current Range
.035 80 - 110 75A to 120A
.045 70 - 130 120A to 170A
.068 40 - 90 125A to 210A
5/64 50 - 75 180A to 235A
Diameter Wire Speed Approximate
(in.) Range In./Min. Current Range
.030 75 - 300 50A to 130A
.035 100 - 250 80A to 175A
.045 125 - 200 145A to 200A
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80 MAX.
130 MAX.
180 MAX.
250 MAX.
50 TO 80 AMPS
70 TO 130 AMPS
110 TO 180 AMPS
160 TO 250 AMPS