K964-1 Undercarriage with Pivoting Single Gas
Cylinder Platform - This undercarriage features a piv-
oting platform to easily load and unload the gas cylin-
der without lifting. It was designed specifically for the
SQUARE WAVE™ TIG 175 power source, and accom-
modates 7” to 9 1/4” diameter gas cylinders. The
undercarriage comes completely assembled and
mounts directly to the power source.
K963-3 Hand Amptrol™ - A Lincoln Foot Amptrol is
included with the SQUARE WAVE™ TIG 175 for
remote current control while TIG welding. The K963-3
Hand Amptrol may be used in place of the Foot Amptrol
if a thumb operated remote control is desired.
K814 Arc Start Switch - The Arc Start Switch may be
used instead of the Foot Amptrol included with the
SQUARE WAVE™ TIG 175. It allows on/off TIG weld-
ing at the current set by the Current Control on the con-
trol panel. The Arc Start Switch does not provide
remote current control.
® PTA-9 and PTA-17 TIG Torches - The fol-
lowing standard Magnum
® TIG torches with one-piece
cable may be used with the SQUARE WAVE™ TIG
• K1781-1 PTA-9 12.5 ft medium back cap.
• K1781-3 PTA-9 25 ft medium back cap.
• K1781-9 PTA-9F 12.5 ft Flex Head Torch Package
with Ultra-Flex
™ cable
• K1782-1 PTA-17 12.5 ft long back cap.
• K1782-3 PTA-17 25 ft long back cap.
• K1782-12 PTA-17 12.5 ft long with Ultra-Flex
K1781-9 includes Twist-Mate adapter, 1/16” gas lens collet Body,
Collet and Gas lens.
NOTE: Each torch requires a Twite-Mate adapter (one
is included with the torch that comes with the
machine). Collets, collet bodies, and nozzles are not
included and must be ordered separately.
See Lincoln Publication E12.150 for a full listing of TIG
Torches and Torch Expendable parts.
Twist-Mate Torch Adapter K1622-1 - One is shipped
with the welder torch. If you do not care to interchange
this part between torches
(one is required to connect
Magnum PTA-9 or PTA-17 TIG torches with one-piece
cable to the
you may order
an additional adapters. The quick connect plug pro-
vides connection for both gas and welding current.
TIG Torch Parts Kits - Parts kits are available for the
PTA-9 and PTA-17 TIG torches. These kits include
back cap, collets, collet bodies, nozzles and tungstens.
Order KP507 for PTA-9 torches
Order KP508 for PTA-17 torches
See publication E12.150 for parts kits breakdown.
Cut Length Consumables - TIG welding filler metals
are available for welding stainless steel, mild steel, alu-
minum and copper alloys. See publication C9.10.
• K2374-1 Stick Electrode Holder and Cable
(Included with the machine) - 200 amp Electrode
Holder with 10 ft.(3.1m) cable and Twist-Mate con-