Pipe Thawing with an arc welder can cause fire,
explosion, damage to electric wiring or to the arc
welder if done improperly. The use of an arc
welder for pipe thawing is not approved by the
CSA, nor is it recommended or supported by
Lincoln Electric.
Power Plug Kit (K802D) - A power plug kit for the
auxiliary power receptacles is available. (Provides a
plug for each receptacle.)
GFCI Receptacle Kit (K1690-1) - Includes one UL
approved 115V ground fault circuit interrupter duplex
type receptacle with cover and installation instruc-
tions. Replaces the factory installed 115V duplex
receptacle. Each receptacle of the GFCI duplex is
rated at 20 amps. Maximum total current from the
GFCI duplex is limited to 20 amps. (For Codes 11112,
11113). See MAINTENANCE section for detailed
information on testing and resetting the GFCI recepta-
Spark Arrestor Kit (K903-1) - Includes a heavy gage
steel, approved spark arrestor, clamp and adapter for
mounting to the muffler exhaust pipe.
TRAILER (K953-1) - Two-wheeled trailer with optional fender
and light package. For highway use, consult applicable feder-
al, state, and local laws regarding possible additional require-
ments. There is a choice of 2 hitches, a fender & a light pack-
K953-1 Trailer
K958-1 Ball Hitch
K958-2 Lunette Eye Hitch
K959-1 Fender & Light Kit
K965-1 Cable Rack
Service Indicator Kit K1858-1 - Provides a GO / NO-
GO visual indication of air cleaner element useful ser-
vice life. Filter service based on restriction readings
allows the longest life possible from the filter and best
engine protection.
K704 ACCESSORY SET - Includes 35 feet (10 m) of
electrode cable and 30 feet (9 m) of work cable, head-
shield, work clamp and electrode holder. Cable is
rated at 500 amps, 60% duty cycle.
Remote Control Kit (K924-5) - Contains remote
control rheostat and 100 ft. (30.5 m) cable for adjust-
ing the OCV at the welding site. (For Codes 10911
and above.)
Remote Control Kit (K2464-1) - Contains remote
control rheostat (for adjusting the CC “STICK” OCV),
and 100ft.(30.5m) cable. (See Wiring/Connection
Diagram Section F)
TIG Module (K930-2) - Provides high frequency and
shielding gas control for AC and DC GTAW (TIG)
welding applications. Its compact case is designed for
easy carrying, complete with a handle. High frequen-
cy bypass is built in. The K936-4 control cable is
PTA-26V TIG Torch (K1783-9) - Air cooled 200 amp-
torch equipped with valve for gas flow control. 25Ft.
Magnum Parts Kit For PTA-26V TIG TorchKP509
Control Cable (K936-4) (required for TIG Module) -
Control Cable for connecting the K930-2 Tig Module.
Arc Start Switch (K814) (required for TIG Module) -
Comes with a 25ft.(7.6m) cable. Attaches to the TIG
torch for convenient finger control.
Contactor Kit (K938-1) (required for TIG Module) -
Provide “Cold” tungsten Tip when welding with the
TIG Module.
Control Cable Extension (K937-45) - Allows the TIG
Module to be operated at distances up to 200 ft. from
the power source.Available in 45 ft. (13.7m).
Water Valve Kit (K844-1)- For use with a water-
cooled TIG torch. Installs inside TIG Module.