CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PCInstallation and Use Page 24
Step 3 - Ensure that the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC is powered on and
displays 'u'
Ensure that the CPU Switch Smart is powered on. It is normally possible to upgrade
the CPU Switch Smart when it is powered from a single computer. The upgrade
program monitors the CPU Switch Smart's voltage and will not allow an upgrade to
be performed if the voltage is insufficient.
The display should now show:
Step 4 - Run the upgrade program
The latest version of the CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC firmware is available
from the LINDY Technology website at www.LINDY.com. The upgrade files will be
supplied to you as a group and consist of several files as explained below. These
files should be downloaded to the same directory on your computer.
1) A universal upgrade program
2) Binary code files for each of the processors within the CPU Switch (up to 3)
e.g. MP129M.HEX
These files use the following naming scheme. The first two characters are the
product type (e.g. MP = CPU Switch Smart SUN-MAC-PC). The next three
characters represent the firmware release version (e.g. 129 equals version 1.29).
The last character is designation that tells the upgrade program where to load the
file within the MP.