LINDY Dual/Quad PRO Installation and Use Page 55
Although it is theoretically possible to select computers on cascaded units by
pressing the hotkeys and then typing in the port address this would be highly
confusing for users and is not generally recommended. Consequently it is normally
advisable to use the on-screen menu to select computers on cascaded units.
However it is sometimes useful to be able to connect to ports on cascaded units via
a specific cascade cable (rather than the first available of a group) in order to check
that the cabling is working as expected. To do this you can use a hotkey sequence
similar to the example shown below.
For example to connect to port 14 on a LINDY Dual/Quad PRO 4 that is cascaded
off port 1 of your first LINDY Dual/Quad PRO . Although the following example
selects a port with a four digit address (port 0114) you can type port addresses that
are eight digits long to access computers that are on the forth cascade level
(e.g. Port 01140203).
00 release 00
press 11 release 11
press 11 release 11
press 44 release 44
4.17 Resetting user port keyboards and mice
The LINDY Dual/Quad PRO gives you the facility to perform a complete power off
reset of the keyboard and mouse that are connected to a selected user port. This
can be useful if you wish to disconnect the keyboard or mouse and replace them
with alternatives. Keyboards will enable themselves automatically if they are
disconnected and then re-connected to the LINDY Dual/Quad PRO. Mice will not
normally re-enable themselves after they have been disconnected and re-connected
although they will do so automatically if the LINDY Dual/Quad PRO's channel has
been changed whilst the mouse is disconnected.
Consequently you will normally need to perform a power-off reset of the user port if
you have disconnected and re-connected a mouse. The power off reset function
only affects the selected user port and does not affect any of the computer
connections or any of the other user ports.