Section 5 IP Access Configuration & Operation
IP auto configuration
With this option you can control if the CAT-32 IP should obtain its network settings from a
DHCP or BOOTP server. For DHCP, select dhcp, and for BOOTP select bootp. If you choose
none then IP auto configuration is disabled.
IP address
IP address in the usual dot notation.
Subnet Mask
The net mask of the local network.
Gateway IP address
In case the CAT-32 IP is accessible from networks other than the local one, this IP address
must be set to the local network router's IP address.
Primary DNS Server IP Address
IP address of the primary Domain Name Server in dot notation. This option may be left empty;
however, the CAT-32 IP will not be able to perform name resolution.
Secondary DNS Server IP Address
IP address of the secondary Domain Name Server in dot notation. It will be used in case the
Primary DNS Server cannot be contacted.
Remote Console and HTTPS port
Port number at which the CAT-32 IP’s Remote Console server and HTTPS server are listening.
If left empty the default value will be used.
HTTP port
Port number at which the CAT-32 IP’s HTTP server is listening. If left empty the default value
will be used.
Telnet port
Port number at which the CAT-32 IP’s Telnet server is listening. If left empty the default value
will be used.
Bandwidth limitation
The maximum network traffic generated through the CAT-32 IP’s Ethernet device. Value in
Enable Telnet access
Set this option to allow access to ARA express using the Telnet Gateway (see the Section
called Telnet Console)
Disable Setup Protocol
Enable this option to exclude the CAT-32 IP from the setup protocol.
Section 5 IP Access Configuration & Operation
Dynamic DNS
A freely available Dynamic DNS service (dyndns.org) can be used in the following scenario (see
illustration below)
The CAT-32 IP is reachable via the IP address of the DSL router, which is dynamically assigned
by the provider. Since the administrator does not know the IP address assigned by the provider,
the CAT-32 IP connects to a special dynamic DNS server in regular intervals and registers its IP
address there. The administrator may contact this server as well and pick up the same IP
address belonging to his device.
The administrator has to register a CAT-32 IP that is supposed to take part in the service with
the Dynamic DNS Server and assign a certain hostname to it. He will get a nickname and a
password in return. This account information, together with the hostname, is needed in order to
determine the IP address of the registered CAT-32 IP.
You have to perform the following steps in order to enable Dynamic DNS:
Make sure that the LAN interface of the CAT-32 IP is properly configured.
Open the Dynamic DNS Settings configuration dialog
Enable Dynamic DNS and change the settings according to your needs (see the next page).