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The 70586 32Bit PCI bus Plug & Play 2S/1P I/O card is equipped with two
High-Speed RS-232.V24 Standard Serial Interfaces and one
ECP/EPP/SPP/BPP IEEE 1284 CENTRONICS Parallel Interface. The serial
ports include 32 Byte FIFO with a speed up to 921Kb/Sec. 70586 has two 9 pin
male connectors for attaching peripherals´ units with Serial RS-232 Standard
Interface and one 25 pin female connector for peripherals' units with IEEE 1284
CENTRONICS Parallel Interface.
Hardware Specification
Serial Port:
UART Chipset: SUN1889, Hardware FIFO is 32Byte FIFO
Compatible chips: with 16C650, 16C550, and 16C450.
IEEE standard: RS-232 Interface
Driver Chipset: TI-75232, speed up to 100Kb/Sec, length 300-500M.
Max. Speed: Up to 921Kb/Sec (HYPER Terminal program)
Parallel Port:
Parallel Chipset: SUN1689, Hardware FIFO is 32Byte FIFO
Compatible chips: with ACC3203, ST-78C36, and HT6535.
IEEE standard: ECP/EPP/SPP/BPP (PS-II) Interface
Max. Speed: Up to 2MB/Sec
Hardware Installation
Turn off the power of your computer
( Plug the 70586 Serial adapter into the PCI bus of your computer
( Connect the peripheral Printer, Modem, Scanner… etc.) to this adapter
( Turn on the power of your computer
PCI device listing display (for example…)
Bus No Device No Func No Vendor ID Device ID Device Class IRQ
0 7 1 8086 7010 IDE Controller 14
0 13 0 1409 7168 Simple COMM.