Chapter 5: Setting Up and Configuring the Router
DHCP Tab - Setup
10/100/1000 4-Port VPN Router
DHCP Tab - Setup
The Router can be used as a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server on your network. A DHCP server
assigns available IP addresses to each computer on your network automatically. If you choose to enable the
DHCP server option, you must configure all of the PCs on your LAN to connect to a DHCP server. (See Appendix F:
Windows Help.)
Enable DHCP Server: Check the box to enable the DHCP Server. If you already have a DHCP server on your
network, leave the box blank.
Dynamic IP
Client Lease Time: This is the amount of time each network PC will have an IP Address assigned to it before it
dynamically changes. The range is 5 ~ 43,200 Minutes.
Dynamic IP Range Start/End: Enter a starting IP address and ending IP address to make a range to assign
dynamic IPs. The default range is 100~149.
Static IP
The Static IP section of this screen is provided in the event you want the IP Addresses of certain PCs on your
network to remain static. In this event, enter the Static IP Address in the space provided, along with that PC’s
MAC Address.
Click Add to list to add a route entry or click Delete Selected IP to delete the static route entry.
For faster access to DNS Servers through the DHCP Server, enter the IP Address of the DNS Servers in the spaces
Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) is a service that turns NetBIOS names to IP addresses. Enter the WINS
IP Address here. If you do not know the WINS, leave it as 0.
Click the Save Settings button to save the DHCP settings or click the Cancel Changes button to undo the
Figure 5-21: DHCP Setup