Meet-Me Conference
36 System Telephone Features Linksys SPA-941 Telephone User Guide
• If all six ports are available, the moderator will hear:
“Six additional ports have been reserved for this conference.”
• If only 5 of 6 ports are available, the moderator will hear:
“Five of six additional ports have been reserved for this conference.”
• If no ports are available, the moderator will hear:
“We are sorry, additional ports are not available at this time.”
Dropping a Conference Call
Should it be necessary, a moderator may be drop (end) a conference call while in
progress. Reasons for dropping a conference call may include participants
becoming loud, not allowing others to talk, and lack of courtesy, among others. To
drop a conference call, press *7. All callers will be disconnected from the
conference call and the call terminated.
However, the meet-me conference reservation remains in effect and partitipants
can be invited to re-join the conference by dialing the meet-me conference number
and entering the appropriate guest ID.
Muting a Conference Call
Only the moderator of the meet-me conference call can mute (disable the ability to
speak in the conference) all parties in the meet-me conference call. The moderator
also has the ability to un-mute (restore conversation).
The Mute function is toggled from the keypad by pressing *5 to enable or disable
the mute function.
When Mute is in effect, the moderator can still speak to all members of the
conference, but members of the conference cannot heard. Also the moderator may
leave and re-join the muted conference, but will not be muted (i.e., the moderator
can still talk to conference members).
When a meet-me conference is muted, all parties in the conference hear an
announcement that the conference has been muted.
Once Mute is enabled (before or during the conference call), anyone joining the
active conference will be muted as soon as they are connected to the conference
call. Callers joining the conference when mute is in effect hear an announcement
that the conference is muted after the announcement that the conference is active.
Members of the conference will hear the join tone and the caller’s name.
Locking a Conference Call
Locking a meet-me conference prevents additional callers from joining the
conference. Unlocking the conference allows additional callers to join the