
The Klimax has an automatic internal mains voltage switch. This allows it to
operate from 90 Vac to 260 Vac. With a mains supply below 140 Vac two
seconds after switching on the amplifier the power supply switches to low
range, with a just audible click, and remains there as long as power is applied.
For all normal music or AV system operation the actual ‘average’ output
power of the Klimax is much less than its maximum rated power. For example,
a reasonable listening level needs an average output of about 1 Watt. A very
enthusiastic listening level would average about 40 Watts output, per
channel. With most loudspeakers this would give an SPL of between 100dBA
and 110dBA, which is quite loud. Very few loudspeaker drive units (or
crossovers) can stand the maximum continuous output of the Klimax for
more than a few seconds. A tweeter can take it for about one tenth of a
second, then vapourises. All this means that even though the ‘on the
laboratory bench’ measurements could show an input power of almost 1000
Watts with a constant tone input and full rated power, in operation the
input power is never anywhere near this level. The Klimax is a high fidelity
music playing amplifier, not an industrial servo motor drive amplifier or an
arc welder (please contact us if you’re interested in industrial applications).
Given adequate ventilation it will operate continuously in any music or AV
system at any realistic power level. But with a low mains supply, maximum
load and a signal generator on its input, the mains fuse will blow because
100 V and 115 V mains supplies cannot provide enough power to sustain
continuous maximum output power.
Mains supply