Input variables:#sysIn1 to 15, #genIn1 to 18, #handIn1 to 4
An input variable is a Boolean variable that can be referenced only. A value cannot be written.
The input variables correspond to the I/O-SYS, I/O-1, and I/O-H input pins. When an ON signal is
received, the input variable becomes “1” (true).
(JS Series)
Connector Description
#sysIn1 to 15 #sysIn1 to 16 I/O-SYS Reference only Boolean variable
#genIn1 to 18 #genIn1 to 8 I/O-1 Reference only Boolean variable
#handIn1 to 4
I/O-H Reference only Boolean variable
#sysIn1 to 16 (I/O-SYS) are assigned a function in advance.
e.g.)#sysIn1: Start signal (When ON signal received, operation starts.)
If you want to use #sysIn1 to 16 (I/O-SYS) for a function other than the one to which it has been
assigned, switch the run mode parameter setting to free. (I/O-SYS function assignment)
Features II CARTESIAN Benchtop Robot