COM Input: inCOM
A specified number of characters out of data received from the COM is assigned to a variable. If
received data exceeds the specified number of characters, characters counted from the top by the
specified number are assigned.
If received data is less than the specified number of characters, the robot stands by for a time
specified in [setWTCOM] and data which has been received is assigned to a variable. If
[setWTCOM] is not used, the tool unit stands by for 0.1 sec.
If point job data including the COM Input command is set at a CP Passing Point, the robot
stands by for 0 sec to receive data.
Comparison of Data received from the COM: cmpCOM, ecmpCOM
Compares COM receive buffer (which is a place where received data is stored) and a specified
character string one by one from the top character. The comparison results will be reflected by a
system flag.
A system flag indicates the condition. e.g. not equal, comparing a specified number of characters is
finished or data has not been received after the robot stands by for the set wait time.
You can set a wait time for receiving data using [setWTCOM.] If [setWTCOM] is not used, the robot
stands by for 0.1 sec as a wait time.
When using [ecmpCOM] command, character strings compared to a receive buffer can be specified
using a character string expression.
System Flag
Specified Character > Receive Buffer sysFiag(2) sysFiag(7) sysFiag(12) sysFiag(17)
Specified Character = Receive Buffer sysFiag(3) sysFiag(8) sysFiag(13) sysFiag(18)
Specified Character < Receive Buffer sysFiag(4) sysFiag(9) sysFiag(14) sysFiag(19)
Time Out sysFiag(5) sysFiag(10) sysFiag(15) sysFiag(20)
Features II CARTESIAN Benchtop Robot