Boom User Guide 33
Both must be on the same network segment in order for SqueezeCenter to be
recognized by your Squeezebox Boom. If you are using a large wireless network with
multiple wireess routers or access points, there is a chance that your computer and
your Squeezebox Boom are connecting to different segments. You can confirm this
by verifying the IP addresses assigned to the computer and Squeezebox Boom.
To check the IP address of the computer running SqueezeCenter, open
SqueezeCenter’s web interface, click Settings, and then the Status tab. The IP address
will be listed under the SqueezeCenter Information section.
To check the IP address of the Squeezebox Boom, go to Settings > Information >
Player Information from Squeezebox Boom’s Home Screen. Scroll through the Player
Information screen until you see the IP address.
An IP address is four sets of numbers. Two IP addresses are on the same segment
if the first three sets of numbers match. For example, these addresses are on the same
segment: and
But these two are not; notice that the third set of numbers do not match: and
If Squeezebox Boom and your computer are not on the same network segment,
you will need to configure your wireless network so that both are on the same
segment and connect to the same DHCP server for their IP addresses. You may need
to consult the party that installed or maintains your network for assistance.
How do I use a static IP with Squeezebox Boom?
If you have set up your network to use static IP addresses, your Squeezebox Boom
will display the message Address Problem – There was a problem obtaining a
DHCP address on your network. Scroll down to Use a static address and press the
navigation wheel. On the following screens you can enter the IP address, subnet mask,
gateway address, and DNS server address information for your network.
My music sound choppy, distorted, or skips
There may be excessive interference in your wireless connection, or the wireless signal
may otherwise be too weak. Try moving your Squeezebox Boom closer to the wireless
router, or removing sources of potential interference.
You can also try connecting your Squeezebox Boom directly to the router using
an ethernet cable; if this resolves the problem, then it’s most likely due to wireless
network signal strength or interference.
If Squeezebox Boom fails to get an IP address
The most common way of setting up a wireless network is to have the wireless router
issue IP addresses on demand using a DHCP service. If your Squeezebox Boom displays
a message stating that it cannot get an IP address, try these steps:
Check your wireless router’s configuration to confirm that it’s assigning •
IP addresses via DHCP. If your wireless router does not use DHCP for
security purposes, you can assign your Squeezebox Boom a static address.
For assistance with this advanced network setup, caontact your wireless
router’s vendor or the party who installed your wireless network.
If your network uses WEP encryption, make sure you’ve correctly entered •
the network security key into Squeezebox Boom. In some cases, an incorrect
WEP security key can appear as a DHCP failure.
Cycle your wireless router’s power.•
No music will play
Make sure your music is not DRM protected. SqueezeCenter and Squeezebox cannot
play DRM protected music. If your music was purchased from the iTunes Store, it may
contain DRM. Only “iTunes Plus” tracks do not contain DRM. Other online music stores
may apply DRM to downloaded tracks. If you’re not sure, contact the music store for
Make sure you have any firewalls on your system correctly configured to allow
communication between your server and player. Please see Appendix B: Configuring
Your Firewall.
Check the file format and be sure it’s one of the supported types. See Appendix C:
Supported File Formats for more information.