How It Works
All models come standard with black
painted door and grill. Pewter and 24
karat gold plated door and grills are
available as upgrades.
Univeral ceramic logset fits
all models and gives the
flames a wood fire look.
Wall Thermostat
gives you the ability to
maintain a set room
temperature. Standard in
both Yankee and Yankee
Bay models.
Remote Control
Thermostat allows
the ultimate in hands-
free operation of your
pellet appliance
1. Pellet fuel is loaded into the hopper.
2. You set the state-of-the-art modular circuit
2. board to manual or automatic.
3. Heavy-duty auger feeds precise amounts
3. of pellet fuel from the hopper into the firepot.
4. Pellets fall into the stainless steel firepot
4. where the automatic igniter starts the pellet
4. fuel on fire within 1 to 7 minutes for hands-
4. free operation.
5. High pressure air is pulled into the base of
5. firepot from the quiet combustion fan and 5. 5.
forced through burning pellets. The variable 5.
5. speed control automatically allows the fan to be
5. turned down in conjunction with the feed rate.
5. This process achieves almost complete 5. 5.
combustion of the fuel (over 95%) and allows
5. the greatest amount of heat value to be 5. 5.
transferred into your home. The pellet fuel
5. when burned leaves only residual ash.
6. The super-heated air is next drawn through a series
6. of heat exchange tubes along the top of the firebox.
6. Combined with the heat exchange plenum at the
6. rear of the firebox, heat is pulled out of the fire and
6. transferred into your home.
7. A super-quiet variable speed convection fan (130 CFM
7. on compact and 165 CFM on large models) draws in 7.
7. the cool room air and pulls it around the heat exchange
7. system. This transfers the heat from the appliance and
7. delivers hot air directly into your home.
Large Pellet Stove
* HEATING CAPACITY: May vary depending on the degree of home insulation, floor plan and the ambient temperature zone of the area in which you
live. Contact your local building officials about installation requirements in your area. Burn Time and Btu range will vary with brand and size of pellets.
80 Pounds
800 to 2,250
Square Feet
Low - 13,940
High - 45,100
Burn Times*
15 Hours on High
47 Hours on Low
Burn Feed Rate
Per Hour
5.5 Lbs. on High
1.7 Lbs on Low
Square Inches
The Yankee pellet stove is our true power house pellet heater. The entire top of the Yankee opens for easy
access to an enormous 80 pound hopper -- one of the largest of any freestanding pellet stove on the market.
You can expect to heat a 2,250 square foot home for up to 47 hours on the low setting. When operated with
the standard wall thermostat or remote the burn time can be extended significantly -- up to several days on a
single load!
Performance goes hand-in-hand with capacity. The Yankee’s powerful two-stage heat transfer system, 12 convection
air tubes and powerful 165 CFM convection fan will heat quietly and consistently.
The Yankee’s durable steel construction, stainless steel burn pot, beautifully detailed top and pedestal castings and
cast iron brick fireback are enhanced by true-bay door and grill accents. A bay window provides 252 square inches
of fire viewing. The Yankee’s pedestal ashpan can hold a huge amount of ash before the need to empty.
With the Yankee you’ll spend less time cleaning ash and more time enjoying the warmth your stove provides.
Shown with optional 24 karat gold plated door and grill