
Display Modes
Display Modes
Initial Loading Sequence
• Press the POWER button located on the front panel
of the Observation System to start the unit.
• The System will perform a Hard Drive check
NOTE: This unit includes a 160GB Hard Drive.
• The unit will initially load to a split screen view,
displaying all 8 cameras (if available).
Individual Camera Display
Each channel displays the Camera Name and Recording Status:
: Record
: Pre Record
C: Continuous
M: Motion
A: Alarm
NOTE: If a new HARD DRIVE is detected, the system will prompt you to FORMAT the drive.
If you do not choose to format the HARD DRIVE, the drive will not be detected by the system.
If you choose to FORMAT a drive in this way, the drive will no longer be readable by a regular
PC without using the HARD DRIVE VIEWER software included on the CD provided with this