
88 |
Radar | Lowrance HDS Gen2 Touch
MARPA target symbols
Your unit uses the target symbols shown below.
Symbol Description
Acquiring MARPA target. Typically it takes up to 10 full rotations of the scanner
Tracking MARPA target, not moving or at anchor.
Tracking and safe MARPA target with extension lines.
Dangerous MARPA target.
A target is defined as dangerous based on the CPA, TCPA and AIS Range
settings. Refer to “Vessel alarms” on page 95.
When no signals have been received within a time limit a target will be
defined as lost.
The target symbol represents the last valid position of the target before the
reception of data was lost.
Selected MARPA target, activated by tapping on the target icon.
The target will return to default target symbol when the cursor is removed.
Tracking MARPA targets
1. Tap on the target on the radar panel
2. Select Acquire target from the menu
3. Repeat process for more targets
Once your targets are identified, it may take up to 10
radar sweeps to acquire and then track the target.
Cancelling target tracking
When targets are being tracked, the radar menu will expand to
include options for cancelling individual targets or to stop the track-
ing function.
Cancel tracking individual targets by tapping the target and then
tapping Cancel target on the menu.