digital boxes on this screen are
customizable. Press the
STEER key to view this screen.
Your present position is shown
by the arrow. The arrow shows
the direction the boat is head-
ing relative to the waypoint. In
theory, if you steer the boat with
the arrow always pointing to-
wards the waypoint, then you
will arrive at the waypoint. The
solid line extending from the arrow is your track or path you’ve taken. To
travel directly to a waypoint, try to keep the arrow on the center line. The
waypoint is depicted by a circle at the top of the CDI display. As you
approach the waypoint, the arrow and the box will move closer together.
If you travel past the waypoint, the waypoint’s box will move to the bottom
of the display. Using the digital displays at the bottom of the screen with the
graphical display at the top let you accurately steer the boat to a waypoint.
The numbers immediately below the C.D.I. are the C.D.I. range in miles.
This gives you an idea of how far off course you are. For example, if the
arrow is halfway between the course line and the outside left line and the
C.D.I. range is 0.5 miles, then your cross track error is to the left 0.25 miles.
The C.D.I. range can be changed from .1 miles to 10 miles.
Compare the map screen
shown at the bottom of the pre-
vious page with the steering
screen at the top of that page.
The picture of the steer screen
and the map screen were taken
at the same time. You can see
the cross track error, track, dis-
tance to waypoint, and the di-
rection you need to steer to the
waypoint easily.
C.D.I. Range
To change the C.D.I. range, press the MENU key, then press the key next
to the “More” label. Finally, press the key next to the “Steering Range” label.
The screen shown at the top of the next page appears. Now press the key
next to the desired distance. The unit returns to the steering display with
the new C.D.I. range.