Radar Information screen (left). Radar Power confirmation message
Radar Power
Turns the radar on and off.
To turn radar on or off:
1. To turn the radar on or off, highlight RADAR POWER on the radar menu
and press
2. A confirmation message will appear. Press ← to
YES to continue.
EXIT to get back to the main page display.
Radar Simulator
Your unit has a simulator that gives you the opportunity to get familiar
with radar operation before heading out on the water.
To access the Radar Simulator:
1. From a radar page, press MENU|MENU, use ↑ ↓ to highlight SYSTEM
SETUP and press ENT.
2. Use ↑ ↓ to highlight
SIMULATORS, then press ENT.
3. Press ← → to scroll to the
RADAR SIMULATOR tab, then press ENT.
4. If you have more than one Radar log loaded on your MMC or SD card,
press ↓ to Log Used and press
ENT. (If you have only one radar log, pro-
ceed to Step 5.) Use ↑ ↓ to select the desired radar log and press