
You can fully customize the upper text displays, and there are 26
types of information to select from. For customization instructions
see the Customize Page Displays topic in Sec. 5, System and GPS
Setup Options.
The heart of this page is the Course Arrow with its Course Deviation
Indicator (CDI) needle. It gives you a quick, easy to read visual indica-
tor of the relationship between your current direction (track) and de-
sired direction (course). Pilots familiar with "fly to the needle" VOR in-
struments or large in-panel GPS screens will quickly feel comfortable
with this HSI feature.
HSI Navigation Page, flying TO K11 on a course of 62ยบ. The pilot needs
to turn left to "center the needle" and get on course. The plane is cur-
rently 1.53 nautical miles to the right of the course. The cross track
error range is set at 2.00 nautical miles. The flight is 8.96 nautical miles
from the target waypoint.
The course line is an imaginary line drawn from your position when
you started navigating to the destination waypoint. It's shown on the
HSI screen as a segmented course arrow. The cross track error is the
distance you are off-course to the side of the desired course line. The
current cross track error is shown in a text box (XTK), and graphically
by the CDI needle, which is the middle segment of the course arrow.
Dots on either side of the course arrow show the current cross track
error scale, which is a graphic depiction of the cross track error range.
Compass rose
Ground speed
TO waypoint
Distance to waypoint
Bearing arrow
(pointing to
Cross track error
Cross track
error range
Cross track
error scale
Course Deviation
Indicator needle
Course arrow
Track or compass heading indicator, showing direction of travel
Destination name