Bearing window shows the compass direction straight to the destina-
tion from your location at the moment. Distance shows how far it is to
the waypoint you're navigating toward.
The Off Course window shows the current cross track error. This shows
the distance you are off-course to the side of the desired course line. The
course line is an imaginary line drawn from your position when you
started navigating to the destination waypoint. The course line is shown
on the Navigation Page screen (and the Map Page screen) as a dotted line.
The cross track error range is shown on the compass rose as a wide,
white, corridor enclosing the course line. The outer edges of this white
corridor represent lines that show the current cross track error range.
The default for the cross track error range is 0.20 miles.
For example, if the present position symbol touches the right cross
track error line, then you are 0.20 miles to the right of the desired
course. You need to steer left to return to the desired course. You can
use the
ZIN or ZOUT keys to change the cross track error range.
A circular symbol depicting your destination (waypoint) appears on the
screen as you approach the waypoint, as shown on the screen in the
following figure.
Travel Time is the time that it will take to reach your destination at
your present closing speed (You can also customize the time window to
show Arrival Time instead. Arrival Time is the local time it will be
when you arrive at the destination, based upon your present closing
speed and track.).
The GlobalMap Baja navigation page, backtracking a trail while
creating a new trail.
Cross track
error range
(off course
Course line
Current track
or heading,
in degrees
bearing to
Trail line
Left cross
track error line