Map Downloading
The GlobalMap 100 has a background map of the world permanently
installed inside. You can send an enhanced map from a mapping CD-
ROM to the unit using a personal computer.
Currently, the MapCreate CD has the following databases:
IMS SmartMap™ data covers the 48 contiguous states and are broken
down into 64 different mapping regions. Contained in this database are
the names and locations of over 140,000 cities; 30,000 national, state
and county parks; 120,000 inland bodies of water plus coastal waters out
to 25 miles; as well as nearly all state and federal highways, interstates
and routes.
IMS WorldMap™ data covers 35 specific regions around the globe in-
cluding Canada, Europe, Indonesia and Australia. Contained in this data-
base are the names and locations of cities, towns, provinces and states,
plus major roadways including two- and four-lane highways, inland water-
ways and coastal hydrography.
The GlobalMap 100 is sold with no accessories. The GlobalMap 100 Plus
includes an IMS MapCreate CD and cables so that it can download maps
from a personal computer to the unit. These accessories are available
separately for units that were sold without them.
Detailed instructions to download a Lowrance map are included on the
IMS MapCreate CD-ROM.
This product can also download Navionics
E-Charts maps. These maps
have enhanced coastal and navigable waters detail.