Detail Cartridge
The GlobalMap 12 has two cartridge slots in its back. Either one can hold
a IMS SmartMap, Navionics, or C-MAP cartridge. The unit can only show
detail from one type of cartridge at a time. In other words, you can’t show
detail from an IMS SmartMap and a C-MAP cartridge at the same time.
You must select one or the other. The “Detail Cartridge” menu lets you
select the type of cartridge to display. When you install a mapping car-
tridge, and wish to use it, switch the “Detail Cartridge” to the desired se-
lection on this menu. To do this, simply highlight the menu, then press the
left or right arrow keys to select the proper cartridge type.
If you are using this receiver with a C-Map car-
tridge, a new menu appears on the main menu
list. This is the “C-Map Options” menu. High-
light this menu item and press the right arrow
key. The screen at right appears.
These menu items let you turn the depth lines,
restriction areas, coastal features, and marine
navigation aids off or on. Highlight the desired
feature, then press the right or left arrow key to
change them. Press the EXIT key when you’re finished.
Navionics Options
If you are using this receiver with a Navionics
cartridge, the “Navionics Options” label ap-
pears on the main menu list. Highlight this menu
item and press the right arrow key. The screen
at right appears.
These menu items let you turn various naviga-
tion aids off or on. Highlight the desired fea-
ture, then press the right or left arrow key to change them. Press the EXIT
key when you’re finished to erase this menu.