
2. The Transfer My Data menu includes a message which tells you if an
MMC is present or not. If no MMC is present, you must first insert a
card into the unit in order to activate the Load or Save commands.
To transfer data from the unit to the MMC: press
ENT (for SAVE.)
To transfer data from the MMC to the unit: press to
3. Saving to MMC: To accept the default name "Data" for the GPS
Data File, press to
SAVE DATA|ENT. If you wish to rename the file (as
shown in the following figures), press
ENT to activate the selection box.
Press or to change the first character, then press to the next
character and repeat until the name is correct. Then, press
ENT| to
The unit will display first a progress then a completion message when
the data transfer is finished. To return to the Page view, repeatedly
From left to right, these figures show the menu sequence for naming
and saving a GPS Data File from the unit's memory to an MMC.
4. Loading to unit memory: There may be more than one GPS Data
File (*.USR) on the card. To select a file, press
ENT to activate the selec-
tion box, use or to highlight the file, then press
ENT to accept the
selection. Next, press to
LOAD DATA|ENT. The unit will display a com-
pletion message when the data transfer is finished. To return to the
Page view, press