Data Viewer (left). Navigation category expanded with Bearing and
Distance selected (center). Bearing and Distance displayed on Overlay
Data Shown menu (right).
Map Page shows boat cruising Puget Sound, Washington with Overlay
Data turned on (left). This example shows Depth, Ground Speed and
the Steering Arrow. Note that the Steering Arrow always points di-
rectly to the destination you are navigating toward. In this case, the
boater is on a northwest course of 275º. Since the helmsman is on
course, the Steering Arrow is pointing straight ahead. If the helmsman
veered off course, the arrow would show which direction to steer to
get back on course.
To remove overlaid data:
1. While on the Page that shows the item or items you want to remove,
2. You will see a list of the overlay data currently displayed. Select the
item you want to remove from your display and press
ENT|ENT to re-
move the data. To remove another item, highlight the item and press
3. When you have finished removing Overlay Data, press
EXIT to return
to the map page display.