by highlighting the “Shallow Alm” label and pressing the right arrow key.
With the shallow alarm set at ten feet, anytime the digital display goes
below ten feet, the shallow alarm sounds.
Set the deep alarm in the same manner. If the bottom depth reading goes
below the deep alarm setting, the deep alarm will sound.
The zone alarm is triggered when any echo
passes inside the zone alarm bar, shown on the
right side of the screen. To turn the zone alarm
on, highlight the “Zone Alarm” label on the sonar
alarm menu, then press the right arrow key. To
adjust the zone alarm, highlight the “Adjust Zone”
label, then press the right arrow key. A screen
similar to the one at right appears.
To adjust the top of the zone bar higher or lower, press the up or down
arrow keys while the “START” label is highlighted as shown on the screen
at right. To adjust the bottom of the zone bar, first press the right arrow key
to select “END” on the screen, then use the up or down arrow keys.
When the zone alarm is set, press the EXIT key to erase the menus.
Use the fish alarm for a distinctive audible alarm when fish or other sus-
pended objects are detected by the Fish I.D. feature. A different tone sounds
for each fish symbol size shown on the display. To turn the fish alarm on,
select “FISH ALARM” from the sonar alarm menu and press the right
arrow key. The unit will revert to the sonar display with the fish alarm
turned on. Repeat the above steps to turn the fish alarm off.
Note: If the unit is in the manual mode, turning the Fish Alarm on will also
turn the automatic mode and Fish ID on, also.
Keel Offset
Normally, this unit measures water depth from the face of the transducer.
Since the transducer is below the surface of the water, this distance is not
the exact water depth. If the transducer is one foot below the surface, and
the screen shows the water depth as 30 feet, then the depth is actually 31
You can calibrate the depth reading using the keel offset feature. First,