Waypoints screen, Sort Waypoints
You can choose how waypoints are sorted in
the Waypoints list by selecting Sort from the
Waypoints screen list menu. Waypoints can be
sorted by Name, Nearest or Icon. By default the
unit stores waypoints by name.
Waypoint Information screen
When a waypoint is saved to the Chart page, you
can view detailed information about that saved
To view waypoint information:
Place the cursor over the waypoint 1.
and press the MENU key.
Select 2. Info and press ENTER.
Editing a Waypoint on the Chart page
To Edit a Waypoint from the Chart page:
Place the cursor over the waypoint and press the 1. ENTER key. The
Edit Waypoint menu will appear.
Edit Waypoint menu
The Edit Waypoint menu is used to edit waypoint
settings and coordinates. Use this menu to change
the name, icon, color and description of a way-
Edit Waypoint, More options:
Select More from the Edit Waypoint menu and
the following edit options will appear:
Name:• Edit the name of a waypoint.
Position:• Enter a latitude or longitude for a waypoint.
Icon:• Select a different waypoint icon.