When no noise appears on the sonar unit after all of the 5.
above tests, then the noise source is probably cavitation.
Many people make sonar installations which function per-
fectly in shallow water, or when the boat is at rest. In most
cases, the cause of the malfunction is the location and/or
angle of the transducer. The face of the transducer must be
placed in a location that has a smooth ow of water at all
boat speeds. Read your transducer owner’s manual or the
Installation instructions in this manual for the best mounting
Lowrance Electronics obtains its mapping data from gov-1.
ernment agencies. Mapping is not an exact science. A unit’s
GPS position (Latitude/Longitude) can be extremely accu-
rate, but the location of a cartographic item such as a street,
highway, or point-of-interest may be slightly inaccurate. In
most cases, we have found the mapping detail in our prod-
ucts to be very accurate. We encourage the reporting of
inaccuracies or omissions so that we can consider them
for future revisions. Please consider that our products are
designed to be aids to navigation and not the sole means of
navigation. A prudent navigator will also have several items
necessary for safe navigation.
The accuracy of your position could look different at various 2.
zoom ranges. For example, at a 5 mile range, the cursor
representing your position may appear to be in the center
of a highway your are driving on. However, if you zoom into
a much closer .1 mile range, the position may appear off-
center due to the variables mentioned above.
Try this simple method to verify that the GPS receiver in 3.
your unit is accurate. Have your unit lock onto GPS position
in a known location like your driveway, boat slip, or camp-
site. Save that location in the unit as a waypoint. Now trav-
el away from the known location. Stop and recall the saved
waypoint in the unit. Select GO TO to start the unit navigat-
ing back to that location. Observe the Distance To Go data
as you travel back to that location. When you arrive at your
waypoint, the Distance To Go should be close to 0.
GPS Not Accurate