
Section 1: Read Me First!
How this manual can get you out on the road, fast!
Welcome to the exciting world of GPS satellite navigation! We know
you're anxious to begin finding your way with this hand-held technol-
ogy, but we have a favor to ask. Before you grab the batteries and head
outside, please give us a moment or two to explain how our manual can
help you get the best performance from this remarkable little GPS unit.
First, we want to thank you for buying an iFINDER
H2OC. Whether
you're a first-time user or a professional navigator, you'll discover that
the iFINDER is a true pocket-sized, full-featured mapping GPS re-
ceiver. When you team an iFINDER with one of our specialized maps or
our custom mapping software MapCreate 6, you have an incredible
combination. No other consumer GPS mapping system on the market
offers so much information and so many features in one package.
Our goal for this book is to get you on the road or out to the woods and
water fast, with a minimum of fuss. Like you, we'd rather spend more
time traveling, and less time reading the manual!
So, we designed our book so that you don't have to read the whole thing
from front to back for the information you want. At the start (or end) of
each segment, we'll tell you what content is coming up next. If it's a
concept you're already familiar with, we'll show you how and where to
skip ahead for the next important topic. We've also made it easy to look
up any tips you may need from time to time. Here's how:
The manual is organized into seven sections. This first section is an
introduction to Lowrance GPS. It tells you the basics you need to know
before you can make the unit look around and tell you where you are.
Section 2 will help you get the batteries and MultiMedia Card (MMC)
correctly installed in your iFINDER. We'll also tell you about some of
the accessories available for your unit.
Section 3 is the heart of our book, Easy Mode Operation. It will intro-
duce you to the basic GPS functions. We lead off this section with a one-
page Easy Mode Quick Reference. (If you've already figured out
how to load the batteries yourself, and you just can't wait any
longer, turn to the Quick Reference on page 28 and head out-
side with your iFINDER!)
The rest of Section 3 contains short, easy-to-scan lessons that follow
one another in chronological order. They're all you'll need to know to
find your way on the water or in the wilderness quickly.