In the following two figures the letter "A" was entered. When the letter
"L" was entered next, the unit came up with a list that included Ala-
bama, Alaska and Alberta. Highlight and select your choice from the
generated list.
In the Find Address screen at left the letter "A" was entered. When the
letter "L" was selected the Auto Complete feature generated the list of
locations in the right figure.
Find Address
To search for a location by address, press the
ADDRESS button in the
Find 1 screen. The Find Address screen will appear with the word
"Choose" on-screen. Press
CHOOSE and a keyboard will appear. Use the
keyboard to enter the name of a State or Province. The auto complete
feature may generate a list of choices for you before you finish making
your entry. If the Auto Complete feature does not generate a list of
choices, press
DONE when you have finished making your entry. Once
the unit has determine what State or Province you want to search in,
another keyboard will appear. In this screen you will enter a City or
ZIP code. When the unit has determined what city you wish to search
in, it will prompt you to enter an address.
When the Choose button (left) is selected a keyboard (right) will ap-
pear. This screen allows you to enter a specific State/Province by
name. To return to the previous screen press X or when you have fin-
ished entering your choice, press Done.