Powering a NMEA 2000 Network Bus
A NMEA 2000 bus must be connected to a power source to operate.
NMEA 2000 devices, including GPS modules, draw their power from
the network bus. If you have a pre-existing NMEA 2000 network instal-
lation, it may already be connected to another power source. If you are
not sure about a network's power status, consult the boat manufacturer
or dealer. If your NMEA 2000 bus is already powered, you can ignore the
NMEA 2000 Power cable and use the method shown in Power Diagram
B. Never attach two power sources to a single NMEA 2000 bus.
Power Diagram B
Use this method if you are only powering your display unit and are not
powering a NMEA 2000 network or any NMEA 2000 accessory device,
including a GPS module. (Fuse may be different from that shown.)
If you do need to power your NMEA 2000 bus, attach the NMEA 2000
Power cable to an accessory switch as indicated in power diagram A on
page 4. The NMEA 2000 Power cable's red wire should be attached
(with provided 3-amp fuse) to the positive (+) terminal. The NMEA
2000 Power cable's black and shield wires should both be attached to
the negative (–) terminal.
The NMEA 2000 network bus is always on and constantly
drawing power. You must connect NMEA power to a
switched power source so you can turn off the network
Red wire with
3-amp fuse
Black wire
power off switch
Data Cable
To unit
NMEA 2000 Power Cable
White wire
12 volt DC
power source
All unused Data
or NMEA 2000
power wires
should be
capped with
wire nuts and
electrical tape
to prevent
Display Unit
Power Cable