Lowrance - LVR-250 Installation and Operation Instructions14
Section 1 - General Information
1-1 Features
Congratulations on your purchase of a Lowrance LVR-250 marine band VHF radio. It provides
the following useful features:
Prominent channel display •
Adjustable contrast settings for the LCD•
Adjustable keypad backlighting for easy night-time use•
Waterproof and submersible to comply with JIS-7•
GPS latitude and longitude (LL) and time display (when connected to a GPS)•
Choice of High or Low (25 W or 1 W) transmission power•
Top centred PTT button for comfortable left- or right-handed use•
Powerful 4 W external audio output•
Access to all currently-available marine VHF channel banks (USA, Canada, International) •
including weather channels where available
Special CH16 or CH16/9 key for quick access to the priority (international distress) •
Special 3CH key to select your three favourite channels•
PSCAN (similar to dual watch) facility•
In addition, the LVR-250 US/EU models also provide:
DSC (Digital Select Calling) capability that meets USCG SC101/Class D Standards. LVR-250 •
US only.
DSC (Digital Select Calling) capability that meets EC Class D Standards. LVR-250 EU only.•
DISTRESS call button to automatically transmit the MMSI and position until an •
acknowledgement is received
Easy access to a buddy list of up to 20 favourite people•
MMSI storage for three favourite groups •
Group Call and All Ships Call facility•
LL position polling information•
Weather alert facility where available. LVR-250 US only.•
ATIS facility for inland waterways. LVR-250 EU only.•