1. Press
2. Press ↑ or ↓ to
3. All the menus are cleared and all options are returned to the factory
System Menu with Reset Options command selected.
Sensitivity & Auto Sensitivity
The sensitivity controls the ability of the unit to pick up echoes. Sensi-
tivity can be adjusted, because water conditions vary greatly. A low
sensitivity level (from zero to 50 percent) excludes much of the bottom
information, fish signals, and other target information.
Boosting sensitivity will show more information on your screen, which
may cause clutter. Reducing sensitivity will filter out some information,
but could omit important images. We recommend adjusting sensitivity
until the background is lightly "peppered" — that is, scattered dots ap-
pear, but individual objects (like fish arches or bottom structure) can be
easily picked out of the background.
Automatic Sensitivity
The default sensitivity mode is automatic. The unit bases the sensitiv-
ity level on water depth and conditions. When the unit is in the auto-
matic mode, sensitivity is automatically adjusted to keep a solid bottom
signal displayed, plus a little more power. This gives it the capability to
show fish and other detail.
However, situations occur when it becomes necessary to increase or de-
crease the sensitivity. This typically happens when you wish to see
more detail, so an increase in sensitivity is indicated. Or, wave action