To turn off the zoom feature, repeatedly press
MENU until the ZOOM menu
appears. Press ↑ to select
OFF, then press PWR to clear the menu. The top
of the depth range scale returns to zero.
Using the Zoom command while in auto Zoom mode will always en-
large the echoes near the bottom, because auto Range always keeps
the bottom displayed in the lower portion of the screen.
When you choose to use the zoom feature while the unit is in manual
Depth Range mode, you can select one of 17 pre-set Zoom Ranges. This
lets you enlarge a desired segment of the water column.
To do this, make sure Depth Range is set to manual mode. Next, re-
peatedly press
MENU until the ZOOM menu appears. Press ↓ to select ON,
then press
MENU UP to display the ZOOM RANGE menu.
Use the arrow keys to select a desired zoom size. When you are finished,
PWR to clear the menu from the display.
Zoom Range menu with the 40-80 foot zoom selected.
You can select from these zoom size ranges: 0-10, 5-15, 10-20, 15-30, 20-
40, 30-60, 40-80, 50-100, 75-150, 100-200, 150-300, 200-400, 300-600,
400-800, 500-1000, 750-1500 and 1000-2000.
Sensitivity adjusts the way echoes will be displayed on the screen. If
you want to see more detail, try increasing the sensitivity, a little at a
time. There are situations when too much clutter appears on the
screen. Decreasing the sensitivity can reduce the clutter and show the
strongest fish echoes, if fish are present. As you change the sensitivity
setting, you can see the difference on the chart as it scrolls.