gets appear as short, thin lines; usually for very short periods of time. The
bottom echo usually looks like a slice taken from the 2D screen. Surface
clutter appears at the top of the screen, near the picture of the boat.
Using the Fastrak screen combines the “instant read” of a flasher with the
versatility and convenience of a liquid crystal graph.
The X-70A 3D uses menus
extensively to guide you
through the unit’s features. The
MENU key accesses most of
the these features, letting you
customize the unit to your par-
ticular water conditions. You
can exit from any menu by
pressing the CLR key.
MENU - Page 1
The X-70A 3D gives you the
ability to stop the chart for study. You can stop the chart no matter which
mode the unit is in - 3D, 2D, Bottom View, or FasTrack. (Note: Stopping
the chart doesn't stop the digital sonar. The digital depth display will con-
tinue to operate.)
To stop the chart or start it, press the MENU key, then press the key next
to the "Chart Stop Run" menu. Finally, press the key next to the "Exit"
label. The unit returns to the last used sonar display.
The X-70A 3D has three different alarms. The first is the Fish Alarm. It
sounds when the Fish I.D. feature places a fish symbol on the screen.
(This alarm only works in the 2D and 3D modes.) Another alarm is the
Zone Alarm which consists of a bar on the right side of the screen. Any
echo that appears inside of this bar triggers the alarm. The last alarm is
called the Depth Alarm. It actually consists of two alarms - shallow and
deep. Only the bottom signal can trigger these alarms. They are useful as
an anchor watch, a shallow water alert, or for navigation.
To adjust an alarm, first press the MENU key, then press the key next to
the "Alarms" label. The screen shown at the top of the next page appears.
Follow the instructions to set each alarm.